"Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold.
It’s for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love.
It’s for those who know a good thing when they see it, even if they don’t see it nearly enough…"

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ready, Set, DEPLOYMENT!!!
[Advice to take & Books to read]

"How do you do it?" How do you stay so strong?"...... I'm frequently asked these kinds of questions—having been in a long distance relationship for over 4 years now. However, adding the military & deployment to the mix makes our lives even more colorful than it already is. This weekend someone came to me for help. She needed some comfort, advice, & insight on the subject. I told her that true love plays a big role in what makes a couple DEPLOYMENT STRONG. I always say that, "I love him too much to ever quit on him". As long as both parties love each other enough & want to make it work, then there is little to worry about.

However, it takes a lot of trust, communication, love & faith for a couple to get through deployment & have an even better relationship than before. Deployment isn't easy. It's hard work. I believe that my fiancé & I have better communication skills than most couples simply because it's all we have. We don't get the luxury of being with each other every day/weekend/month etc... People often say, "You'll get through it! I know you guys can!". Even though people mean well by saying such statements, I think it's funny when they do, because I've never doubted our love. That's not what deployment is supposed to do. I've only worried for his safety & my sanity =P I'm hoping you feel the same way about you & your SO's (significant other) relationship.

There's a lot of advice that can be given to you, but to name a few important ones....

1. Accept that he's going to be deployed & move on so you can fully enjoy & cherish every second you have together before the inevitable "D-day".
2. Make sure you take care of important paperwork/discussions (i.e. Budget, responsibilities, his will, means of communication, expectations, POA etc...)
3. If there are any issues/problems between you two, try your best to work them out before he deploys. It's going to be a lot harder to work at something when your SO is difficult to contact. Keep in mind that their time is limited when they DO have time to talk to you. Be understanding. Patience is a virtue.
4. Get involved/stay in contact with your FRG/FRO (& the like, depending on your branch). These women will become invaluable to you as you all survive deployment together. They'll be great support & comfort to you.
5. Remember.... COMMUNICATION IS KEY to making the relationship work & keeping the romance going.


If you're new to the military life or would just like to learn MORE about this lifestyle, then check out this book! It's very informative & also explains how to read those darn confusing LES (pay stubs)!

This book is great even for married couples! As much as you already know about each other, trust me.... this book will raise questions you've never thought to ask/discuss & you'll soon be learning even more about your love! This is a great activity to do during deployment. You probably won't get through the whole book because it make take days or weeks for you to get a reply, but it's fun :) Write out the questions/your answers & send it in an e-mail to your man. He can then just erase your answers & reply back with his. (Note: You may want to skip some questions/chapters for the time being if you don't want an argument to start up though)

*Religious* It's important to not only rely on your own strength, but in GOD's strength as well. You can't go through this alone & this book can help you put your trust & faith in God when you feel like you're struggling. It doesn't read like a novel, so you can pick it up anytime and read a few chapters at your own convenience.

*Religious* Who wouldn't benefit from daily encouragement?! You get to hear real stories from real military wives. Reading these stories keeps you from feeling alone. Remember that you're not the only woman in the world going through this. Many others have walked in your same shoes, are currently walking in your shoes, & will continue to walk in the same shoes in the future. Reading one story every morning when you wake up or every night before you go to sleep can help give you that extra boost of strength you may need. After every story is a very short "question" to ask yourself & "prayer" to do. I love this book.

*Religious* This is a GREAT interactive book to read before & during deployment! It's a 7 week/chapter bible study for military wives. If you can get a group of women together to do this with (or suggest it to your church) then that would be best, but it's ok if you can't! You can still most definitely do it on your own! This book isn't sold in all stores, so it's a bit difficult to find. However, you can order it from

I hope this blog helped ease some of your worries & anxieties when it comes to deployment! Good luck to you & your love. Thank you BOTH for your service & sacrifices. Together you can survive deployment one "I miss you" at a time :) And remember..... it's never "goodbye". It's always "see you soon". That's what my fiancé & I said to each other when he deployed in May & it helped make letting him go easier on both of us.

♥ Sailor's Doll

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Poem For Military Wives

I would like to recognize these often underestimated, unseen, and unheard heroes.
This is for the sad Military wives, the angry Military wives,and the strong Military wives.

This is for the young women that are waking up at 6 a.m. every
morning, laying out clothes and packing three lunches for those
small precious children that they have been left alone to care for.

This is for the pregnant Military wife wondering if her husband will make it home in time to watch their miracle happen.

This is for the childless Military wife, living in a town or on a
base alone where she is a complete stranger to her surroundings.

This is for the women that feel like a third leg when they go out
with their friends and their husbands.

This is for the Military wife that canceled all her plans to wait by
the phone, and even though the phone broke up and cut off every time you spoke to him you waited anyway.

This is a pledge to the women that cry themselves to sleep in an
empty bed.

This is to recognize the woman that felt like she was dying inside
when he said he had to go, but smiled for him anyway.

This is for those of you that are faithfully in that long line at
the post office once a month, handling 2 large boxes and 2 small
children like a pro.

This is for that woman that decided to remodel the house to pass
time, and then realized that she had no idea what she was doing and sighed and wished she had a little help.

This is for all the lonely nights, all the one-person dinners, and
all of the wondering thoughts because you haven't heard from him in days.

A toast to you for falling apart, and putting yourselves back
together. Because a pay check isn't enough, a body pillow in your
bed is no consolation, and a web cam can never compare.

This is for all of you no matter how easy or hard this was for you.
Our soldiers/sailors are brave, they are heroes, but so are we.

So the next time someone tells you that they would never marry a Military guy, don't bother explaining to them that you can't control who you fall in love with. Just think of this and nod your head, know that you are the stronger woman.

Hold your heads up high, hang that flag in your front yard, stick
100 magnets on your car, and then give yourself a pat on the back.

Be proud to be the woman that you are, be proud to be a Military wife

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Armed Forces Day!
[A day to honor our current military]

Today is about honoring our active duty service members. You're always in our thoughts & prayers. Thank you for your sacrifices.

Dear Military Sweethearts,

Please extend a big "Thank you" from me to your service member. Whatever branch you're in, we are all fighting for the same cause. We are all defending the same country. We are all a part of the same family. I know a lot of bases/posts have events going on in celebration of Armed Forces Day, so I hope you all have a great day! Also make note that in honor of today, Big Lots is giving a 10% military discount (for those with valid military I.D.) off your entire purchase.

*Sending love to my deployed sailor.....
I love you baby & miss you like crazy! Thank you for everything you're doing for us & for this country. I'm so proud of you. Stay safe out there!

Click Here to read more about what today is all about :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Loving From A Distance...

  • -Special "Military LDR" section!
  • -Long Distance Advice
  • -LDR Workbook
  • -99 Things to do From a Distance
  • -Gift Ideas/Forum/Blogs
  • -Print out FREE stationary
  • -Love Lettera/Quotes/Songs/True Stories
  • -Purchase merchandise! (t-shirts, bracelets, love letter satchels...)
  • -LDR Giftpacks sent to 2 addresses (even military addresses!)

If you're a military sweetheart then you've been in a long distance relationship (LDR), are currently in a LDR, or will be in a LDR at some point in the future (can you say, deployment?)
Loving From a Distance (LFAD) is a great source for LDR couples! I've already listed some of the things LFAD offers, but why don't you check it out for yourself! I'm definitely purchasing an LDR Giftpack for my Sailor! We've been in a long distance relationship even before he joined the Navy. We'll be going on "officially" 4 years this coming July.
LDR History+Military+Deployment=My crazy beautiful life
I'm sure a lot of you can relate...

My fiancé is deploying soon & my top 3 deployment resources will be the FRG, Ship Ombudsman, & LFAD!

♥Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day♥
[[Here's a poem for you...]]

[The Friday before Mother's Day each year has been designated as Military Appreciation Day]

A Day for You, the Military Spouse
by Sara Horn

A day where no uniforms need mending or patches sewn on;
A day where nothing breaks down when you are all alone;
A day when children listen and there are no tears to dry;
A day where there are no questions and you don’t have to answer why;
This is the day I wish for you, the Military Spouse.

A day filled with peace and love and solidarity
A day where a phone call is just the start of the great day you’ll see
A day when you realize that what you do has fantastic enormous worth
A day where for the first time in months you can breathe without the hurt
This is the day I wish for you, The Military Spouse

A day that’s 24 hours closer to your loved one coming home
A day for webcams and Skype and soft I love you’s before dawn
A day where there are no silly arguments, just constant mutual grace
A day filled with blue skies, happiness and faith.
This is the day I wish for you, The Military Spouse


If you are a military spouse, thank you for your service.
If you know a military spouse, let them know that their sacrifices are appreciated.
Be sure to share this poem with a wonderful military spouse (past & present) that you know :)

Click Here for 101 Ways to Thank a Military Spouse!

Monday, May 2, 2011

A Prayer For Those Who Serve
[+ discounts on military items!]

"Now I lay me down to sleep, one less terrorist this world does keep. With all my heart I give my thanks, to those in uniform regardless of ranks. You serve our country and serve it well, with humble hearts your stories tell. So as I rest my weary eyes, while freedom rings our flag still flies. You give your all, do what you must... With God we live and God we trust"

AMEN! I'm sure that by now you've already heard the news about Osama Bin Laden.
GO TEAM USA! (If only this meant that my Sailor didn't have to deploy anymore.... a girl can dream, right?) This is a great victory for Americans and I want to take the time to thank your service member & you, for your service.

To celebrate, these ladies are offering special discounts for TODAY ONLY!!!:

Sempersweet makes military iPhone cases (which is what I'm buying) that you can customize & many other wonderful products! Click Here for their Facebook page & more information on how to place an order & get $3 off!

Gambizzle Jewels makes beautiful military jewelry, hair accessories, & much more! Click Here for their Facebook page & more information on how get FREE SHIPPING for orders over $20!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Save money, honey!

If you live in America, then you are well aware of the condition of our economy.
If you're like most average Americans, your wallet isn't looking as plump as you'd like it too.
If you'd like to learn how to add more "bank" to your bank, then read up!!!

The Frugal Navy Wife's blog was shared w/me by an e-mail from my FRG & I'm so glad they did! Click the link or her button posted above, to start $saving$ yourself some money! She event provides you with ways to learn this wonderful art of being frugal.

You see, my DF (dear fiancé) & I recently discovered TLC's new show "Extreme Couponing" (if you haven't watched it then you should consider adding it into your schedule!). We were immediately drawn to it when we saw that people were saving HUNDREDS of $$$ by using coupons! An example.... A woman had $638.24 worth of groceries & only paid $2.64!!! True story... I watched to total drop as each coupon was being scanned. It's like winning the lottery (in a sense) by working the system!

Do we have any extreme couponers out there?!! If so, what was your best shopping experience?! Feel free to brag!

^ My DF & I are trying to become extreme couponers =P

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Listen to Uncle Sam

You know what I'm talking about.... We should all learn it. We should all love it. I'll admit that I'm still no expert on it, but I follow the rules of common sense & "if you don't know if you should say it... just don't say it!" Have you ever encountered people saying all telling all? I understand the idea of filling friends & family in on what's going on, but sometimes you just need to be a little more wary. During deployment it's going to be tough not sharing my excitement of a homecoming countdown by posting updates such as "___ Days Until My Sailor Comes Home!!!" on my Facebook, but we gotta hold back ladies!! Don't forget that LOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS. I think it's even worse when I go to Facebook profiles of service members (who I'm not friends with) & find that their profile isn't exactly private & that they aren't exactly keeping their mouth shut.... =/

I've messaged a few people in the past reminding them about OPSEC when I saw something (whether it be a picture or post) that may be a little TMI. Much to my surprise, I've gotten very different responses. Some ladies thank me for catching it (ex. During "Operation Sweetheart" someone posted pics of their man's dog tags but forgot to hide his info on it which included his name, soc. sec #, etc..) However, I've also received a somewhat snappy reply from another girl.

What are you thoughts?
If it were me, I'd want someone to point out my mistake so that I could fix it. I feel like the defensive women just don't want to admit that they did in fact make a mistake. This isn't an issue about pride—it's about keeping the brave men & women serving our country safe at all times.