-you talk in all abbreviations and nobody knows what you're talking about.
-you can spot a Marine bumper sticker miles away.
-you'll drive hours to see him even if its only for a few hours.
- you sleep clutching your phone just in case he calls.
- you can say he's only been gone 6 weeks this time.
- you save and re-save all of his voicemails.
-you see a man in uniform in the grocery store and all you want to do is hug him.
-you spend half a pay check on care package items and shipping charges.
-you feel yourself growning more and more in love with your man even while he's so far away.
-you spend your sleepless nights writing letters and planning care packages.
- you wait to see certain movies until your military man gets home.
- your family thinks you're crazy because military recruiting commercials make you cry, not with tears of sadness but because you're so PROUD.
-the sight of dress blues takes your breath away.
-you own and wear your military branch's clothing, dog tags and anything to represent your military man daily.
-you call his phone just to hear his voice on his voicemail.
-a 2 minute phone call leaves you glowing and smiling for a week.
-the National Anthem makes you feel prouder than ever before.
-you can spot him 100 yards away in an airport and run and jump on him to get that first hug.
- you feel that you're part of a tight knit club for being a military girlfriend/fiancée/wife.
-hearing about military casualties shatter your heart even though you never knew them.
-you sleep in a pair of his sweats while he is gone to make you feel closer.
-you'll miss a night out on the town because you don't want to miss his phone call.
-you have saved text messages because they help you get through the tougher days.
If you agree or have anything to add to the list then leave a comment!